Together We Thrive We will collaboratively navigate the complexities of the immigration process to ensure a successful outcome. Book an appointment Navigating borders,
connecting people
Our ultimate goal is to create a seamless experience for individuals and families, connecting them to new opportunities and brighter futures. Book an appointment
Your global journey
starts here
Building a new life in Canada? We will help you lay the foundation for success every step of the way. Book an appointment
Unity in
Unity in Diversity: At UWIC, we
firmly believe that diversity
is our strength
Book an appointment

Temporary Residence

Permanent Residence

Family & Sponsorship


Embark on your Canadian dream journey with Ubuntu Immigration.

Our Visa Application Process

General visa process and steps to apply for a visa to Canada



Your immigration consultant is your steadfast companion throughout your immigration process with us, offering expert guidance at every pivotal moment.

Select Visa Category

Discuss your possibilities with our experienced immigration consultant. Opt for the best option and start your application to Canada.

Preparing Application

Your immigration consultant meticulously prepares and validates your documents, ensuring a smooth and error-free process


We submit your final application and closely monitor its progress until a decision is made on your application

We receive the best client’s review.


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)