Federal Skilled Trade Workers

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Federal Skilled Trades Program

The Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) is a Canadian immigration initiative aimed at attracting skilled tradespeople to address gaps in the country’s labor market. This guide outlines the eligibility requirements, benefits, and application process for the Federal Skilled Trades Program.

    A Visitor visa, also known as a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV), allows individuals to enter Canada for a temporary stay. This could include tourism, family visits, business meetings, or any other purpose that doesn’t involve long-term.

    Eligibility Requirements:

    To qualify for the Federal Skilled Trades Program, applicants must meet the following criteria:

    1. Work Experience
      Have a minimum of two years of full-time work experience in a skilled trade listed in the National Occupational Classification (NOC) system.
    2. In-Demand Trade
      The work experience must be in a skilled trade that is in demand in Canada. You can reach out to our team to see if your occupation falls under this program.
    3. Language Proficiency
      Meet the minimum language requirements in either English or French.
    4. Job Offer or Certification
      Have either a job offer from a Canadian employer or a certificate of qualification from a Canadian province or territory.

    If these criteria are met, individuals may be eligible to apply for the Federal Skilled Trades Program.

    Benefits of the Federal Skilled Trades Program:
    1. Permanent Residency:
      Successful applicants are granted permanent residency in Canada, allowing them to live and work in the country indefinitely..
    2. Access to Healthcare and Social Services
      As permanent residents, individuals gain access to Canada’s healthcare and social services.
    3. Citizenship Eligibility
      After a specific period as a permanent resident, there may be eligibility to apply for Canadian citizenship.
    4. Family Sponsorship
      Permanent residents may have the opportunity to sponsor their spouse, children, or other family members to join them in Canada.
    Application Process:

    The application process for the Federal Skilled Trades Program involves the following steps:

    Step 1: Determine Your Eligibility
    Ensure that you meet the program’s eligibility criteria. Seek guidance from an immigration lawyer or consultant if needed.

    Step 2: Complete an Express Entry Profile
    Create an Express Entry profile on the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website, providing details about education, work experience, language proficiency, and other personal information.

    Step 3: Receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA)
    If accepted, candidates enter a pool. Those scoring high in the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residency.

    Step 4: Submit Application and Pay Fee
    Upon receiving an ITA, submit the permanent residency application and pay the processing fee.

    Step 5: Wait for a Decision
    IRCC reviews the application and decides whether to approve permanent residency. Successful applicants are granted permanent residency in Canada.

    The Federal Skilled Trades Program offers a pathway for skilled tradespeople to immigrate to Canada and contribute to its labor market. By following these steps and providing necessary documentation, individuals can pursue permanent residency in Canada through this program


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