Study Permit

Study Permit

Introduction to the Study Permit

Annually, more than 135,000 students choose Canada for their education. To pursue studies in the country, they need to secure a study permit issued by the Canadian government. This permit, categorized as a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV), enables students to study in Canada temporarily. It specifies the educational institution and course of study. Meeting specific requirements is essential for eligibility.



    To be eligible for a study permit, you must meet the criteria established by the IRCC, including:

    • Obtain a letter of acceptance from a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) in Canada, approved by the provincial or territorial government for international students.
      Demonstrate to an immigration officer your intention to leave Canada upon the expiration of your study permit.
    • Provide financial evidence indicating your ability to:
      • Cover tuition fees.
      • Support yourself and any accompanying family members during your stay in Canada.
      • Afford return tickets for you and your family after the permit expires.
    • Maintain a clean legal record, adhere to Canadian laws, and have no criminal history.
    • Be in good health and be prepared to undergo required medical examinations.
    • Meet general admissibility criteria for entry into Canada.

    If studying in the province of Quebec, obtain a Quebec Acceptance Certificate (QAC).
    Upon acquiring a study permit, eligible family members can join you in Canada by obtaining their own study or work permits.


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    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)